
One glance at the cute Disney poster and you may think Zootopia is just a fun kids movie. It is but in reality it is much more. The film which takes place in the fictional world of Zootopia, where predator and prey live in harmony together, yes, that means none of the animals eat each other, covers racism, sexism, tolerance and everything in between. In today's world it is important for kids to see a film like this and some adults could benefit a lesson or two from the movie. While young ones will enjoy there are jokes for the older crowd too (try and spot the Breaking Bad nod!). One of my favorite films of the year so far! Check out the trailer now!
10 Cloverfield Lane

Hyped as a follow up to the 2008 found footage film, Cloverfield, the J.J. Abrams vehicle did not disappoint. The trailer was released weeks before the film premiered and left very little clues to what the film was about. I don't want to spoil it for you but it's not what you think it is. I'll just leave it at that. The movie proves monsters come in all types of shapes and sizes and some aren't always the aliens you see destroying a city. John Goodman is excellent in the film as a paranoid, conspiracy theorist housing two civilians after what looks to be a terrorist attack. I won't give away much more but you can check out the trailer here!
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2

Ok, I'm Greek and when the original premiered over a decade ago, my family loved the movie! It is still one of my favorites and if I ever see it on, I always stop to watch. It's a romantic comedy classic that was smart, charming and different. When I saw there would be a second one after all these years, I did not have high expectations. What a pleasant surprise! The entire cast is back and while not as original as the first, it is still a fun film that is perfect for girls night, family movie outing or a date. My theater was actually sold out when we saw it and the audience loved it. Yes, Greeks are very similar to the way they are portrayed although my family has never used Windex. We aren't that crazy. I don't think. See the cast Opa! 13 years later in the trailer here!
London Has Fallen

Gerard Butler is back to the save the day and President (again) except this time it's across the pond. When a master terrorist attack takes place in London, the president has to be saved and there's only one man who can do it. The film, a sequel to the 2013 Olympus Has Fallen, is non-stop action from start to finish. I liked the original, did it need a sequel? Probably not but we were granted one and for what it is, it's not half bad. The plot is basically a reason to see Gerard Butler take down a room full of bad guys reciting one liners and all while wearing an expensive suit. The movie is not bad, it isn't great either but if you are looking for a film to get your adrenaline pumping then this is the one for you! Check out the high energy trailer here!
SKIP IT in theaters and save for a Redbox or Netflix night at home. Unless you LOVED the first one or an action buff SEE IT in theaters.
Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice

One of the most highly anticipated movies of the year is here and has already made millions this past weekend. Opening to mixed reviews from critics, Batman vs. Superman is a thrill ride with two of the biggest comic legends finally meeting on the big screen. Why are they fighting you ask? Well, Bruce Wayne aka Batman witnesses Wayne Tower falling after Superman saves the city of Metropolis, an event that took place two years ago in the film Man of Steel. Not knowing what Superman exactly is, I mean he is an alien who has super powers, Batman worries Superman will go all villain on the world at some point thus destroying humanity. Or something like that. Watch the trailer here!
The plot is a bit muddled, Lex Luthor and Wonder Woman are also involved, but people want to see action and fight scenes with the title characters and they get both. I am not a comic book fan but I do enjoy the movies, not knowing everything about the characters and back history, I still really liked the movie. This film is not on par with the Christopher Nolan trilogy from a few years ago but I will say Ben Affleck is probably the best Bruce Wayne/ Batman of all the films made to date. As a rule, I don't listen too much to what critics say, I suggest the same for you. This is a superhero movie so I have no idea why it has gotten such a bad rap. It's not an Oscar contender but who cares? Sometimes you just like to go to the movies and have fun. Form your own opinions! Then blog about them :)
Hope you enjoyed my See It or Skip It for the month! Now go grab some candy and go to the nearest theater!

One glance at the cute Disney poster and you may think Zootopia is just a fun kids movie. It is but in reality it is much more. The film which takes place in the fictional world of Zootopia, where predator and prey live in harmony together, yes, that means none of the animals eat each other, covers racism, sexism, tolerance and everything in between. In today's world it is important for kids to see a film like this and some adults could benefit a lesson or two from the movie. While young ones will enjoy there are jokes for the older crowd too (try and spot the Breaking Bad nod!). One of my favorite films of the year so far! Check out the trailer now!
10 Cloverfield Lane

Hyped as a follow up to the 2008 found footage film, Cloverfield, the J.J. Abrams vehicle did not disappoint. The trailer was released weeks before the film premiered and left very little clues to what the film was about. I don't want to spoil it for you but it's not what you think it is. I'll just leave it at that. The movie proves monsters come in all types of shapes and sizes and some aren't always the aliens you see destroying a city. John Goodman is excellent in the film as a paranoid, conspiracy theorist housing two civilians after what looks to be a terrorist attack. I won't give away much more but you can check out the trailer here!
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2

Ok, I'm Greek and when the original premiered over a decade ago, my family loved the movie! It is still one of my favorites and if I ever see it on, I always stop to watch. It's a romantic comedy classic that was smart, charming and different. When I saw there would be a second one after all these years, I did not have high expectations. What a pleasant surprise! The entire cast is back and while not as original as the first, it is still a fun film that is perfect for girls night, family movie outing or a date. My theater was actually sold out when we saw it and the audience loved it. Yes, Greeks are very similar to the way they are portrayed although my family has never used Windex. We aren't that crazy. I don't think. See the cast Opa! 13 years later in the trailer here!
London Has Fallen

Gerard Butler is back to the save the day and President (again) except this time it's across the pond. When a master terrorist attack takes place in London, the president has to be saved and there's only one man who can do it. The film, a sequel to the 2013 Olympus Has Fallen, is non-stop action from start to finish. I liked the original, did it need a sequel? Probably not but we were granted one and for what it is, it's not half bad. The plot is basically a reason to see Gerard Butler take down a room full of bad guys reciting one liners and all while wearing an expensive suit. The movie is not bad, it isn't great either but if you are looking for a film to get your adrenaline pumping then this is the one for you! Check out the high energy trailer here!
SKIP IT in theaters and save for a Redbox or Netflix night at home. Unless you LOVED the first one or an action buff SEE IT in theaters.
Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice

One of the most highly anticipated movies of the year is here and has already made millions this past weekend. Opening to mixed reviews from critics, Batman vs. Superman is a thrill ride with two of the biggest comic legends finally meeting on the big screen. Why are they fighting you ask? Well, Bruce Wayne aka Batman witnesses Wayne Tower falling after Superman saves the city of Metropolis, an event that took place two years ago in the film Man of Steel. Not knowing what Superman exactly is, I mean he is an alien who has super powers, Batman worries Superman will go all villain on the world at some point thus destroying humanity. Or something like that. Watch the trailer here!
The plot is a bit muddled, Lex Luthor and Wonder Woman are also involved, but people want to see action and fight scenes with the title characters and they get both. I am not a comic book fan but I do enjoy the movies, not knowing everything about the characters and back history, I still really liked the movie. This film is not on par with the Christopher Nolan trilogy from a few years ago but I will say Ben Affleck is probably the best Bruce Wayne/ Batman of all the films made to date. As a rule, I don't listen too much to what critics say, I suggest the same for you. This is a superhero movie so I have no idea why it has gotten such a bad rap. It's not an Oscar contender but who cares? Sometimes you just like to go to the movies and have fun. Form your own opinions! Then blog about them :)
Hope you enjoyed my See It or Skip It for the month! Now go grab some candy and go to the nearest theater!

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